Completed K-8th Grades

July 14-18

The best week of summer is coming back to Montgomery! Campers who have completed kindergarten through 8th grade are invited to join us for a week of high-energy excitement from 7:45am-5pm. The cost is $254 which includes the camp fee and lunch. Scholarships are available. Watch our social media feeds for details.
Email Alana Robinette for more information. 




Sunday, March 16

Are you new to Heritage? Are you considering joining our family? We would love to get to know you at Discover Heritage. Come eat breakfast, meet our staff, and learn about our ministries. It’s FREE. We’ll meet in the Oasis at 8:45am for breakfast. Reserve your place by March 10, 2025. Children will go to their regular LifeGroups. 

Email Ruth Nichols for more information. 





A Family Experience

Thursday, April 17

On Thursday, April 17, Bro. Teman will lead us in a Seder Service as we remember the Passover and celebrate the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord. We will eat a Passover meal much like the Israelites did before the Exodus, and we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper much like Jesus did with his disciples. Reservations are required by Sunday, April 13. The cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children 5th grade and under. There will be no Wednesday evening services on April 16. 

Email Kelly Douglas for more information.





May 31-June 4, 2025

It is not too late to sign up! Contact Zac for details!
Prepare for an unforgettable summer adventure at GENERATE Camps! This year’s theme is “No Other Name” from Philippians 2:9-11. There will be awesome breakouts and activities like sports tournaments, a talent show, and ziplining and exploring caves! GENERATE is held in Covenant College at Lookout Mountain, GA, from May 31 to June 4, 2025. The total cost of the trip is $389, with a deposit of $99 due at the time of registration. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Sign up today. If you have any questions or need to set up a payment plan, see Zac for more information.
Email Zac Caldwell for more information.




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